
Welcome to Keeping Water Clean

You can help to protect local drinking water sources with your positive actions at home and work.

Here are some ways you can help to protect your local supply of clean, safe water:

  • Take used engine oil to recycling facilities.
  • If you have a septic system, have it inspected and pumped every three to five years.
  • If you can reduce quantities, or find alternatives to harmful chemicals, please do so.
  • Never dump these things on the ground, down the sink, or in the toilet:
  • Paints; thinners; furniture strippers; coolants; cleaners; glues, adhesives; gasoline; oil; diesel; heating fuel; de-greasers; resins; creosote; etc. If it’s something you don’t want in your water then please don’t put it on the ground or down a pipe.
  • Dispose properly at hazardous waste days or approved sites.
  • If you apply pesticides or fertilizers or nutrients make sure you follow best practices.
  • Prevent spills and contain spills. Report spills if they happen to Ontario Spills Action Centre: 1-800-268-6060 or visit this link: Ontario Spills Action Centre Reporting.
  • Protect and maintain your private well. Wells provide pathways for contaminants to enter groundwater.
  • If you have a well, be sure it is sealed properly and if you own a well you no longer use, have it properly decommissioned by a licensed well technician.

Visit the official source protection region website (sourcewaterinfo.on.ca) for the Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield source protection areas to find out more.

Read this fact sheet to learn more:

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers and Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region – PDF file

Vulnerable Aquifers

Highly vulnerable aquifers

When a municipality draws drinking water from a well, it gets that water from underground.

This water under our feet is groundwater.

This water source is found in aquifers which collect water much like a sponge does.

Aquifers are areas of soil or rock under the ground where cracks and spaces allow water to pool. They are considered highly vulnerable based on factors such as how deep it is underground, what sort of soil or rock is covering it, and the characteristics of the soil or rock surrounding it.

When water can pass through soil, such as sand or gravel, we call that surface permeable. An aquifer is more vulnerable to contamination if the soil layer is thin.

Maps of Highly Vulnerable Aquifers

A highly vulnerable aquifer (HVA) is an aquifer that can be easily changed or affected by contamination from both human activities and natural process as a result of:

a) Its intrinsic susceptibility, as a function of the thickness and permeability of overlaying layers, or;

b) By preferential pathways to the aquifer.

Do planning policies apply in this type of vulnerable area?

Read this fact sheet to learn more:

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers and Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region – PDF file

Source protection planning policies are only recommendations in highly vulnerable aquifers (HVAs) and significant groundwater recharge areas (SGRAs) of this region (Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region).

Policies do not have legal effect, that require property owners to comply in HVAs and SGRAs (except in a wellhead protection area Zone A, B, or C) as there are no assessed significant threats to drinking water in HVAs and SGRAs (other than in wellhead protection areas). However, municipalities, implementing bodies, and local people should have regard for these policies, developed locally and approved by the Province of Ontario.

Thank you for all you do to protect drinking water sources in all vulnerable areas. Take a look on this website at some of the ways you can protect drinking water sources with your positive actions at home and work.

For complete definitions, legislation, and regulations visit Ontario.ca.

For local maps, local source protection plans, local assessment reports, and local explanatory document, visit sourcewaterinfo.on.ca.

Vulnerable Areas

Four types of areas where drinking water sources are vulnerable

There are four types of vulnerable areas named in the Ontario Clean Water Act, 2006:

  • Significant groundwater recharge areas or SGRAs
  • Highly vulnerable aquifers or HVAs
  • Intake protection zones or IPZs (for surface-water sources of drinking water such as Lake Huron, or another Great Lake, or a large river).
  • Wellhead protection areas or WHPAs (protective capture zones around a municipal well).

Highly vulnerable aquifers

An aquifer is more vulnerable to contamination if the soil layer is thin.

Aquifers are areas of soil or rock under the ground where cracks and spaces allow water to pool. They are considered highly vulnerable based on factors such as how deep it is underground, what sort of soil or rock is covering it, and the characteristics of the soil and rock surrounding it.

Read this fact sheet to learn more:

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers and Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region – PDF file

Significant groundwater recharge areas

The land area where the rain or snow seeps down into an aquifer is called a recharge area.

Recharge areas often have loose or permeable soil, such as sand or gravel, which allows the water to seep easily into the ground. Areas with shallow fractured bedrock are also often recharge areas.

A recharge area is considered significant when it helps maintain the water level in an aquifer that supplies a community with drinking water.

Read this fact sheet to learn more:

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers and Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region – PDF file

Do planning policies apply in this type of vulnerable area?

Source protection planning policies are only recommendations in highly vulnerable aquifers (HVAs) and significant groundwater recharge areas (SGRAs) of
this region.

Policies do not have legal effect that requires property owners to comply in HVAs and SGRAs (except in a wellhead protection area Zone A, B, or C) as there are no assessed significant threats to drinking water in HVAs and SGRAs. However, municipalities, implementing bodies, and local people should have regard for these policies, developed locally and approved by the Province of Ontario.

Read this fact sheet to learn more:

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers and Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region – PDF file

Thank you for all you do to protect drinking water sources in all vulnerable areas. Take a look on this website at some of the ways you can protect drinking water sources with your positive actions at home and work.

For complete definitions, legislation, and regulations visit Ontario.ca.

For maps, local source protection plans, assessment reports, maps, fact sheets, and explanatory document, visit sourcewaterinfo.on.ca.

Source protection planning policies, developed locally and approved provincially, may require action from you, in this region, in wellhead protection areas – visit sourcewaterinfo.on.ca to find out more.


How to keep water clean

You can help to protect local drinking water sources with your positive actions at home and work.

Here are some ways you can help to protect your local supply of clean, safe water:

  • Take used engine oil to recycling facilities.
  • If you have a septic system, have it inspected and pumped every three to five years.
  • If you can reduce quantities, or find alternatives to harmful chemicals, please do so.
  • Never dump these things on the ground, down the sink, or in the toilet: Paints; thinners; furniture strippers; coolants; cleaners; glues, adhesives; gasoline; oil; diesel; heating fuel; de-greasers; resins; creosote; etc. If it’s something you don’t want in your water then please don’t put it on the ground or down a pipe.
  • Dispose properly at hazardous waste days or approved sites.
  • If you apply pesticides or fertilizers or nutrients make sure you follow best practices.
  • Prevent spills and contain spills. Report spills if they happen to Ontario Spills Action Centre: 1-800-268-6060 or visit this link: Ontario Spills Action Centre Reporting.
  • Protect and maintain your private well. Wells provide pathways for contaminants to enter groundwater.
  • If you have a well, be sure it is sealed properly and if you own a well you no longer use, have it properly decommissioned by a licensed well technician.

Visit the official source protection region website (sourcewaterinfo.on.ca), for the Maitland Valley and Ausable Bayfield source protection areas, to find out more.

Read this fact sheet to learn more:

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers and Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Region – PDF file